Email marketing 2022 | tips and tricks

Email marketing may be tailored to your specific needs.
Some of the most common types of email marketing include an automated welcome email series to welcome new contacts and get people excited about your business, as well as modern email newsletters to stay in touch with customers and keep them up to date on the latest news and updates about your company or organisation.

Here are some email marketing topics to keep in mind if you want to see an increase in engagement and conversions:

1- Include Subscriber content

One of the simplest ways to improve organic traffic and convert more customers is to include user-generated material in your emails.
Users are more inclined to trust a firm if they see good customer feedback from a wide collection of people, increasing their chances of converting into a paying client!

The nice thing about user-generated content is that it is free to show and utilise in your emails.
Consider putting customer reviews, poll results, or images of your customers using your products/services in your emails, along with a simple CTA button, to increase trust.

You may even generate additional user-content through your emails by incorporating a call to action to participate in a survey or poll so that you can rapidly gather data the next time.If you have a large social media following, encourage your followers to post photographs of themselves enjoying your product or service and tagging you.
Take advantage of the fact that this sort of merchandise is both new and affordable.

2- Make more of your newsletters

Newsletters having long been recognised as the cornerstone of any email marketing strategy.
Email, on the other hand, has developed into much more than a conversion tool.
They also allow you to tell tales, provide business insights, and engage with your audience to demonstrate your concern.

Curating bite-sized news, thought leadership articles, and industry updates in your newsletters is an excellent way to provide value to your readers.
By providing narrative summaries and referencing to credible sources, you may quickly give information that is captivating, digestible, and relevant.

The cornerstone of any must-read email newsletter is a solid framework, which is where templates come in.
Inside AVADA Marketing Automation, you’ll find a plethora of email templates for a variety of occasions, like the Fourth of July, Men’s Day, Sales, and more.

AVADA’s newsletter design is clean, good-looking, and easy to scan. It gives an introduction to your content with eye-catching photos, which quickly pulls in the subscribers and motivates them to take action and learn more.

3- Use AI for optimization

The idea of artificial intelligence continues to perplex many enterprises (AI).
Both new and seasoned marketers are cautious about the use of artificial intelligence in email marketing.

The fact is that there is more data accessible online than any marketer, even with cutting-edge technology and tools, could possibly obtain and analyse.
AI, on the other hand, can handle this task with minimum effort.

AI can be used for a variety of things, including:

  • Survey optimization
  • Predicting outcomes with analytics
  • Large amounts of client data are being processed at the same time, and keywords are being added using an SEO optimizer.
  • Creating email subject lines
  • Sending times should be optimized.
  • Cleaning up mailing lists (search for clients who aren’t responding to your copy)
  • Reorganizing email campaigns

In summary, AI will assist you accelerate your email marketing campaign and execute time-consuming activities that you would typically have to do by hand.
However, before applying AI, take some time to investigate and determine the cost, as it might be costly.

4- Email campaign high energy

Customers don’t want to feel like just another gear in the machine; they want to know that the firms in which they invest value them.
In email marketing, the lack of personalization that comes with automation can be a source of worry. Marketers have recently decided that one of the most effective methods to do this is through extensive personalisation. The use of Artificial Intelligence makes it simpler to assure customisation by gathering more data about your clientele.
Customers are becoming more aware of the quantity of information that is being collected about them.
People naturally expect it to be utilised to better satisfy their needs; they only agree to give up their personal information in exchange for more tailored solutions.

Before creating an email that corresponds to your clients’ purchasing patterns, open rates, and chosen products or services, examine their purchasing habits, open rates, and favourite products or services.

Maybe some consumers have a tendency of abandoning their shopping carts before making a purchase?
In this case, your personalised email would underline this, serving as a nice reminder with CTAs alongside your content.

Personalization is all about the fundamentals, so always include the recipient’s name and consider including a customised note.

This is a trendy, and the value of personalisation is increasing by the day.
As a result, the corporate sector is expected to focus on email marketing hyper-personalisation rather than merely personalising campaign aspects in 2021 and 2022.
Here’s how you cash in on this trend:

Content or product recommendations based on audience groups. Promotions and communications that are tailored to certain audience segments.Individual product or content recommendations Emails should be sent based on shopper/visitor behaviour.

5- Create more interactive emails

Interactive marketing increases engagement and is becoming more popular as technology progresses.
Incorporating interactive marketing into your email campaigns is simple.
It may be used into your strategy in a variety of ways, including:

  • Gifs and hover-over imagery;
  • Animated buttons and CTAs;
  • Interactive product carousels and images, controlled by the user;
  • Rollover effects to showcase offerings;
  • Surveys, polls and user-generated interactive content;
  • Design mode options (choice of light mode or dark mode);
  • Gamification elements

Interactive marketing can assist you in creating a positive user experience that will entertain and engage your consumers.
It may also be used to personalise, delivering them quizzes and holiday cards that are specific to them.

6- Add animations

Thanks to the use of GIFs, dynamic backgrounds, animated symbols and typography, and CSS animation, it is now relatively simple to develop a genuinely moving email campaign.
CSS animation also enables you to design transitions, which allow one part of your email to seamlessly segue into another.

Many businesses are incorporating modest bits of animation into their emails in order to attract the interest of their readers.
Uber’s Halloween campaign, for example, employs only a few simple animations – bats flying over a full moon, a car’s headlights lighting a black cat – but they’re quite effective at drawing the viewer’s attention.
Meanwhile, animated backdrops, such as this one from Uber with dancing festive background symbols, frame your entire email content within the motion itself.

Animations may bring your emails to life, but they can also slow down their loading time.
Make sure you understand how to decrease email size and whether you can add animations via codes to ensure your emails function properly in the inbox.

7- Customers should be shown gratitude.

Customer gratitude is a sort of personalisation that will be around for a long time!
To provide users a sense of worth, customer thanksgiving letters might include the following:

  • Invitations to early access
  • Thank you notes
  • Discounted personalised birthday messages

Consider updating these emails to reflect the current circumstances, as many firms have already done. Perhaps you could give discounts to front-line staff and healthcare workers – what matters is that you show clients that you are on their side.

8- Ensure your privacy.

Email recipients are more worried than ever about their privacy, and they are more aware of how their data is being used.
You must go beyond guaranteeing PCI and GDPR compliance to earn their confidence and loyalty. Make privacy the major topic of all your email messages to guarantee that you are meeting their expectations.

This means evaluating data privacy regulations on a regular basis and staying truthful with consumers. Use your emails to warn customers about upcoming data privacy changes and to emphasise how you are protecting the recipients’ information.
This will also assist to promote the ethics of your organisation.

Being thoughtful and providing your subscribers with the option to unsubscribe from mailing lists helps to keep a list updated. As individuals opt out of receiving your communications, you will be able to focus more on those who remain and attract new subscribers who are interested in what you have to offer.

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